Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday Quotes!

I preached from 1 Peter 4:12-19. Here's a helpful quote I shared from John Piper:

“The degrees of suffering and the forms of affliction will differ for every one of us. But one thing we will all have in common till Jesus comes: we will all die. We will come to that awesome moment of reckoning. If you have time, you will see your whole life played before you as you ponder if it has been well-spent. You will tremble at the unspeakable reality that in just moments you will face God. And the destiny of your soul will be irrevocable. Will you rejoice in that hour? You will if you entrust your soul to a faithful Creator.”

These "Sunday Quotes" posts also seem to give me an opportunity to clarify things I say in my sermons. So just in case you are not familiar with my (poor?) sense of humor... I confess it publicly -I got the speeding ticket in Maryland, not Autumn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not poor humor. I was with you all the way man. Keep 'em coming. Even the stretchy pants illustrations.