Friday, February 13, 2009

Finally Back In 1 Peter!

After spending a few weeks reminding ourselves of the importance of both the Church of Christ and the Cross of Christ we are turning our attention back to our study of 1 Peter.

This Sunday we will zero in on this verse: "Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor." (1 Pet. 2:17)

What does this verse mean? And how does this relate to our attitude and behavior towards our fellow citizens... our government... or our president? Come find out - join us this Sunday as we humbly ask God to adjust our lives as we look again intently into His holy Word!

Read ahead to get ready: 1 Peter 2:13-17


pastor justin said...

Your sermons will now go from good to excellent due to my blessed copy of Schreiner.

Bonnie said...

I look forward to it.

Dan Rolfe said...

Thanks for the encouragement Bonnie. And thanks for loaning Schreiner to me Justin - and now you have me wondering, should I go back and start over in chapter 1, verse 1? How did I get so far without him?

Anonymous said...

Should I just delete all the previous podcasts and start again with today's?

Bonnie said...

Surely you guys are not suggesting that The Holy Spirit of God was lacking anything that Schreiner could have supplied in those previous messages???

They were just fine like they were--leave them alone. :-)