Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It's that time again! Palm Sunday. Christians all around the world will celebrate Jesus' glorious and triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We call it the "deep breath before the plunge" into holy week. Jesus was betrayed, abandoned, falsely arrested, tortured and brutally murdered before the week was up. And we know why - to save us.

At Servant's Heart Fellowship we always go big on this day - palm branches for everyone to wave as we sing Hosanna! Join us as we celebrate our king. He is worthy of all this attention (and so much more).


Anonymous said...

Very much looking forward to celebrating this time in history and what it means for us today.

Justin Nale said...

Are you keeping this post up until next Palm Sunday? :)

Dan Rolfe said...

I'm keeping it up until other area local churches commit to celebrate this often overlooked holiday...