Our church has graciously arranged for Autumn and I to spend a long weekend in Myrtle Beach. We are so grateful, and eager to enjoy this gift! And while I'll certainly miss preaching at our church, I'm very excited about the guy who will take my place behind the pulpit of Servant's Heart Fellowship this Sunday: my good friend Jim Upchurch (seen above with his son Isaiah).
Jim is married to Rachel and they have two young children, Isaiah and Jana. I've known Jim for a couple of years, and have been honored to partner with him in several local events including a marriage conference, a parenting conference, and the recent God Revealed conference. He is a very encouraging friend, a humble man, and his passion for God is both obvious and contagious.
Jim did a great job. And he has a cool haircut.
Hey Jim, have you ever heard of John Locke?
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