Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Hole In Our Holiness

Kevin DeYoung has written a penetrating article about the absence of holiness among so many professing Christians today. I urge you all to read it (maybe twice) and then have a moment of self-evaluation alone with God. Here's how he begins:

"I have a growing concern that younger evangelicals do not take seriously the Bible’s call to personal holiness. We are too at peace with worldliness in our homes, too at ease with sin in our lives, too content with spiritual immaturity in our churches."

Click here to read the rest of it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Preparing For Sunday

November 14, 2010

Songs we will sing:
Your Love O Lord
How Can I Keep From Singing
Glorious & Mighty
Jesus Paid It All
Your Name

Acts 7:54-60
. Not long after Stephen was given the responsibility to help care for some widows he was brutally murdered. This Sunday we will see why he was murdered and what we can learn from this man's brief (but lasting) example of living and dying for Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Preparing For Sunday

November 7, 2010

Songs we will sing:
We Exalt You
Beautiful One
Come Thou Fount
Arise My Soul Arise
All I Owe
Behold The Lamb (Communion Song)

Acts 6:1-7. This Sunday we continue our Acts series by examining how the early church handled a potentially explosive internal conflict. Join us as we continue to learn how they solved this immediate threat to unity, and ultimately why the early church gained that now famous reputation of turning their world upside down.