Even after Googling it, I'm still not exactly sure what a "cumberer of the ground" is, but I don't want our church to be one, that's for sure! As usual, JC Ryle shoots it straight:
"Whenever a Church keeps back Christ crucified, or puts anything whatever in that foremost place which Christ crucified should always have, from that moment a Church ceases to be useful. Without Christ crucified in her pulpits, a Church is little better than a cumberer of the ground, a dead carcass, a well without water, a barren fig-tree, a sleeping watchman, a silent trumpet, a dumb witness, an ambassador without terms of peace, a messenger without tidings, a lighthouse without fire, a stumbling-block to weak believers, a comfort to infidels, a hot-bed for formalism, a joy to the devil, and an offence to God." JC Ryle
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Crazy Love
Lately I've been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It's a book that is encouraging, confrontational, delightful, bold, humble, and risky - all at the same time. I've decided to share some of his thoughts with you as I read it.
"There is an epidemic of spiritual amnesia going around, and none of us is immune. No matter how many fascinating details we learn about God's creation, no matter how many pictures we see of galaxies, and no matter how many sunsets we watch, we still forget."
Forget what? That God is glorious.
"There is an epidemic of spiritual amnesia going around, and none of us is immune. No matter how many fascinating details we learn about God's creation, no matter how many pictures we see of galaxies, and no matter how many sunsets we watch, we still forget."
Forget what? That God is glorious.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Preparing For Sunday
Sunday, September 19
Songs we will sing:
How Great Is Our God
God Of Wonders
By Thy Mercy
There Is A Fountain
Mighty To Save
Acts 1:1-11. This Sunday we will begin going through the book of Acts to see what it was about the early church that led to the accusation that they "turned the world upside down" (see Acts 17:6). Join us as we spend the next few month studying Acts to learn how the early church earned that now famous reputation.
Songs we will sing:
How Great Is Our God
God Of Wonders
By Thy Mercy
There Is A Fountain
Mighty To Save
Acts 1:1-11. This Sunday we will begin going through the book of Acts to see what it was about the early church that led to the accusation that they "turned the world upside down" (see Acts 17:6). Join us as we spend the next few month studying Acts to learn how the early church earned that now famous reputation.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Introducing Justin Nale

This Sunday our guest speaker will be Justin Nale. He is the pastor of Mount Hermon Missionary Baptist Church here in Rocky Mount. Justin is married to Crystal and they have two sons, Jonathan and Benjamin. It has been my absolute pleasure getting to know him over the past several years. I always enjoy spending time with Justin - whether it's sipping coffee and discussing theology, or sharing the responsibility of teaching at a local conference. Justin has already been a guest speaker at one of our men's breakfasts, and I'm delighted that he will fill the pulpit this Sunday. I know I'll be listening intently. He will be speaking on a topic that both he and I are passionate about - the local church.
Not A Smart Idea...
As a pastor, words fail me when I read about all the media craze surrounding one Florida pastor who is organizing a "burn the Koran" event for this Saturday (the anniversary of 9/11). So I'll let Kevin DeYoung speak for me: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevindeyoung/2010/09/09/burning-the-koran-and-shooting-yourself-in-the-foot/ (click to read)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Ears To Hear - Wrapped Up
This Sunday we will wrap up our Summer Series on Revelation 1-3 called Ears To Hear. I'll be concluding with 3 lessons that we can learn from examining all of these messages from Jesus to the seven churches in chapter 2-3. One thing has stood out each week as I preached through this series - Jesus is both obviously and openly passionate about His Church. Join us as we review these letters and rejoice again in His great love for His own.
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