Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Informed Passion"

I admit it, I cruise ministry blogs often. It's one way that I keep up with what's happening in the "church catholic" (the universal Christian church around the world), make new ministry connections, and also how I gather resources for our own local church. While on one such "cruise" I bumped into this little phrase used to describe a worship resource: "Informed Passion". (you can visit this resource here)

It jumped off the screen at me and made me immediately think of what we are trying to do here at SHF. We don't want "uninformed passion" where a worship service is "red hot" but nobody really knows why. And we certainly don't want "informed non passion", where the worship content is all proper and orthodox but nobody seems to care (think - yawning through Amazing Grace).

No, we strive for informed passion. We want to be increasingly informed about the gospel so that we will respond with much passion for the Savior!

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